General Housing Information

questions & answers


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Question: My landlord told me on the day i moved out (11/30/08) that she had fourteen days to finalize my deposit. it is now the 16th of december and when i called her she said that she had fourteen "working days" to finalize my deposit? after reviewing this website i find nothing about working days stated anywhere in the law and i was wondering what rights i have as a former tenant.

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Question: How do I find out how much taxes are owed on a property?

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Question: I am considering buying a house in Mesa, and looked on the Maricopa County Recorder website fnd see that the owner is listed as a conservator with ownership with minor children as conservatorship. What does this mean? Does this mean minors can own property in AZ?

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Question: My boyfriend and I have been together since mid 2005. He recently purchased a home in only his name. We are planning on getting married in april of next year. After marriage do I automatically become co- ownr? If we do not get married how long will it take for me to be considered co- owner without him actually havng to add my name to the title?

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Question: Where would I look for assistance when the local HOA does not enforce the CC&Rs, and permit other homeowners to be placed in a hazardous envioronment?

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Question: my question is: reguarding "earnest deposits" and when they are not refundable/ also what does it mean when you have "first right of refusal to rent a specific property/,

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Question: how long i have to wait to get the rental reservation deposit back, after the landlord denies my application

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Question: Our lease on our Apt. ended and we had a three month extension. The three months are up and we are moving. the Apt are coming at us saying we are liable for another months rent. The apt. is claiming a 30 day vacancy notice but the lease is already up. i also had one roomate leave and another move in during the lease period. Teh question I have is can they hold us responsible for the one month extra rent?

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Question: My roommate left a month ago to go back East to visit family. When he left as far as I knew he had every intention of returning. I have not heard from him in 3 weeks now. He is not returning my calls. He left his car in my garage & other personal items. I own the house & he rented a room. How long do I have to wait to get rid of his stuff? Also, what do I do with his car?

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Question: I have sold my manufactured home (Personal property?) on a rented lot in AJ. Are there any rules or regulations as to who and how the check for the sale is sent to me? Can my broker and/or agent deposit the money for me in an account if I'm not able to attend the closing? Thank you.

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Question: What is the homestead exemption and how it protect home owners?

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Question: I have a question concerning the law about zoning your property. My parents own 5 acres of land. They would like to if they are able to sell a couple acres to me. We are un sure if the law would alow this. Since there property is zoned for 5 acres.

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Question: I purchased a home about a year ago with my domestic partner. I am the only person financially responsible for the home. I added my domestic partners name to the title as a joint ownership. In case in the future my domestic partner and I part ways, would we have to sell the home? Does she have any legal rights over the home?

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Question: If house is foreclosed on, what does the new owner need to provide to the old owner and how long does the the old owner have to get out by law?

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Question: We are senior citizens. A bank is offering us a home loan that we assumed was fixed interest-the rate dropped a fraction, even-then I happened to notice an unfamiliar phrase with a tiny checked box-'demand feature'. I looked it up: the bank can demand payment, calling the loan, at any time without giving a reason. It said that some states prohibit that practice. Is Arizona one? Calling the loan could destroy us and force the property into foreclosure.

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Question: What is the definition of habitable under AZ law. If move into apt. that has new carpet that makes one sick would that be uninhabitable? Thanks

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Question: Im 16 and pregnant.I want to be emancipated,but I feel I may need public assistance such as food stamps and cash assistance because I'm currently unemployed.I also need help finding a place because I'm getting kicked out.Can a pregnant teen become emancipated and get on food stamps and cash assistance/?And is there anyone who can legally help an emancipated pregnant teen find a place of their own?

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Question: we are currently listed as owner's to a mortgage but signed transfer of property- deed papers to an investor of whom we have been making monthly payments to. We have been informed by the mortgage that our payments have not been submitted and that we will soon be in foreclosure. What can we do? This investor promised to assume the mortage as well as the property but really only filed tranfer of property and continues to collect our money, of which has been steady each month.

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Question: I am currently working with HUD Counselor for two years. Is there a time frame for working these modifications? Also in bankruptcy; does this effect the loan modification process?

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Question: My hoa and I share a commom wall,the way I read the CC@R they are responsible for at least half the repair and 100% if by negligence. They have watered the wall instead of the landscaping and everywhere the water hit, the mortar has corrded. No that the wall is in need of repair they claim they are not responsible for the wall at all. What is the Arizona laws on common walls? and what recoarse do I have to get the wall repaired? There are at least 6 houses on my row that need repair.

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Question: It is time to renew my lease and a Bed Bug Addendum was added. It has harsh provisions for tenent payment of treatment expenses, even being responsible for adjacent units, even if you did not cause the infestation. The AZ law states you can be charged only if you fail to report. Is this Addendum legal. If I refuse to sign it can I legally be denyed the right to renew my lease? If I do sign it to renew the lease, will it hold up in court? Can you point me toward a lawyer in the Phoenix area who has experience with this? Thank you!

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Question: pools are not being opended,the water is always green,leash law is not being enforced,poop is all over walk ways,stairways smell like urine and dead animals

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Question: we are getting conflicting answers we need to know specifically : Is the ladlord responsible for paying trash service? we know they have to provide cans

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Question: We own a ground floor condo. The condo above us is rented to some very noisy people, including loud repetitious boom-boom "music". Police have been here 4 times. What can we do? What proof is required to avoid the "he said, she said" problem? The boom-boom from morning to late night is making our home uninhabitable.

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Question: in my apartment with no air conditioner. It is very hot and humid in my apartment and it makes me feel as if I want to faint I advised my manager serval times of the situation and all she can say is im calling my boss to see about the ac guy . I went in the other day to speak to the manager to see if the maintance man will be in today and she advised me that he wouldnt so i advised her that i would be moving i really dont want to but it is to hot that i have to. she stated that if i do that i will then be breaking my lease and iowe what ever months are reamining.Is there anything else i can do

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Question: Is it legal in Arizona to break a lease because I am buying a home? If so what forms do I need to submit to the property management company?

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Question: If I pay off my house how does it affect the other two people on the deed?

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Question: I belong to a Property Owner's Association. The manager and the original Developer states we do not follow ARS Title 33 because the Association is a non-profit corp. and does not own property. We are all mandated members that must pay dues to maintain the roads that are dedicated to public use. We have bylaws, CC&R's. Is this true? The developer is getting properties back thru foreclosures and says he does not owe dues and is using his 10-1 votes from the foreclosures. Our CC&Rs say that if the first mortgagee gets property back they are not liable for past dues, but from acquisition. Help?

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Question: How can I reduce my mortgage payment and/or principal? Is it possible to sue the bank and/or lender in order to eliminate and/or cancel my mortgage for fraud and/or TILA, RESPA violations? Do securitization audits and/or other mortgage audits work to accomplish these goals? What is quiet title and should I file for one? Thank you.

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Question: Renewing a yearly lease, can the landlord raise the rent by $100 if the apt. (been in 5yrs), has not been upgraded,like the others, has a roach infestation, all in all in bad shape. Can't move bad credit, collecting unemployment. The apt. is worth $400 that I've been paying, now they want $545?? Help!!!!!!

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Question: Is there an occupancy limit to the number of people who can live in a one bedroom duplex or a one bedroom apartment?

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Question: HOA is trying to garnish rent from tenants for back HOA dues. Is this legal since there is no relationship between the HOA and the tenants?

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Question: I have a lease to purchase contract with a couple. The man has recently passed away. The estate of this man is trying to have the contract "disallowed". I'm trying to find out how to file a "petition for allowance" in Pima county. I live in Indiana.

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Question: My husband applied for a joint apartment and put on the application that there was a criminal record involved. He was approved given a move in date. After my information was reviewed, the application was denied because of a criminal record. Is that legal?

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Question: We have 2 homes 3 mortgages all mortgages were with Bank (Proper name removed). Our residential home is on trial modification. Bank sold the loan in July with our investment property to a loan servicing company (Proper name removed) before I could finish with it's modification, I want to modify our HELOC loan that Bank holds on the investment property also. If I can't modify these 2 loans the house may go into foreclosure. My question: If Loan Servicer suggests fore closer whats going to happen with our HELOC loan with Bank.? Loan is around $101,000 HELOC at 83,000 and house is worth about 145,000.We really don't know whats best for us

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Question: My neighbor is building a porch onto his house, of which his house is already close to the property line, and having the additional balcony he will be close to the fence. He said he'll have someone to come look at it so it is 'up to code' (he is aware it has to be so far away from the property line/fence). Is there any way we can get ahold of the inspection results? Or can we petition to have him stop building the porch? He will be so close to (and a good amount above) the fence, that they will see more of our yard than his own.

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Question: What is the youngest age a person can move out of there parents home, with the permission of their parents?

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Question: I'm looking for some guidance regarding the AZ Real Estate Recovery Fund. I submitted a claim against the fund some time ago but it was denied for multiple reasons, all of which were inaccurate. I'd like some advice from somebody with experience with getting reimbursement from the fund. The basis of my claim is the fact that my property manager embezzled security deposits and when his scam ran its course, he committed suicide. The fund is clearly setup to help those who have been a victim of real estate fraud, but the commissioner weaseled her way out of my claim on technicalities.

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Question: Im been sent to court for breaching my 13 month contract with a mother of 4 lil ones in 2011 when i was linving there 3/4 of the summer we had no air conditioning it was hell they then turned off the cooling system in october when the temperatures still reach th 100's then for three weeks of november we had no gas to cook with and no hot water to bathe with i had enough i saved up money and moved out begining of december, 4 months short of my lease ending.i offered to pay for decembers rent but they wouldnt take it. To my understanding a landlord is suppose to provide this

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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

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Question: Who owns a fence on the property line? If the fence is rotting away who has to fix or replace the fence? Is it a share fence and who has to keep it in good order. I am in Mohave County

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Question: I was convicted of a felony in 1994. This conviction was set aside in 1996. Can an apartment still refuse me because they say I have a felony conviction? I try to explain that the conviction was set aside, but they still will not rent to me. Is that legal, and do I have any recourse?

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Question: My house foreclosed and was sold at auction on 4/4. On 4/5 I spoke with the new owner and he said he would give me until 4/12 to vacate. Today 4/9 I recieved a Forcible Detainer request form in the mail. DO I need to be out by today?

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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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Question: new owners have taken over my appartment housing, I wanna kno what I can do, they say may bathtub is not clean enough, wanted me to clean the light switches with a tooth brush, and say the apartment, per policy must look like new at all times

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Question: I have an issue with my home owners association, they have locked me out of the access gate to the pool area that is close to my condo. Now I have to walk a considerable distance to another access to the pool. They have denied me a key, when I previously had a Kay before.

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Question: Can an HOA stop or fine a person for using a motorcycle stating that we are creating noise pollution? The motorcycle is my main form of transportation to work. I didn't see anything about use of a motorcycle during certain hours.

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Question: can 3 adults and 2 small kids live in a 1 bedroom apt.?

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Question: My husband quit claimed house to his brother before we were married but never had it recorded. Now he has quit claimed to me. Is this going to make me legally the owner with my husband or does it belong to his brother legally?

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Question: I retired from the army this past november and decided to move. even though i have orders my property manager is saying that i have pay a partial rent and a buyout of the lease.

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Question: Can a management company deny me to be added to the lease of my dad's appt. without doing a credit report on me. Can they deny me a written statement of the reasons why I was denied.

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Question: If a seller provides a counteroffer on a property, does the seller have to approve the offer in writing or in a new contract?

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Question: I have a balloon note I didn't know I had they want $163.000 buy the end of this month my morgager didt tell me and I didn't read the contract because I trusted him now I don't know what to do????????

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Question: Is there a time of year a landlord has to turn on the air conditioning

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Question: My boyfriend and I moved here to arizona with them, as grandma bought a mobile home with an Arizona room on some land, when she bought the house we all still lived in Iowa. I had a everything already set up there, but they "invited" us to come with them. They found out on Thursday that I was excepted for a job, and now on Friday it's all of a sudden illegal to live in an Arizona room "according to Arizona law". Is how she put it. My question is how true is this, and why wouldn't she know about this when they bought the house? I feel like I was jeopardized into coming out here.

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Question: I recently bought a home, and moved out of a rental property and they sent us an itemized list of items after we moved and I did a final walk through with them and charging us falsely what can we do to dispute these items?

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Question: What can I do when my girlfriend that is on the lease with me has people threaten me to move out at such and such time.

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Question: My dog (a lab) in a harness and leased was approached by a small dog on our front porch. The small dog nipped at out dogs back leg. Our dog turned and attacked the small dog killing it. Am I liable in Arizona?

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Question: What can I do if the landlaord turns off the chiller system for the whole apartment complex and it's over 100 degrees outside

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Question: I let my cousin and her daughter leave some of their belongings in my back house. It was only supposed to be for a few weeks it has now been over three years. I have talked to my cousin and have repeatedly told her to pick up her stuff. She says she'll be here a certine day and never comes. Her daughter I can never get a hold of what can I do with all their stuff now?

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Question: A friend came to visit me in AZ and was considering moving here... he filled a full wardrobe of clothes at my place, even changed his drivers license to my address, then left a week later and never returned... the clothes have been sitting here since November 2014, he now reaches out to me 7.5mo later requesting i send them back to him in IL or he will take me to court... he was never a roomate, never on the lease... does he have any legal right to this stuff?

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Question: Can a son sign over his house to his father if he can no longer afford to make the payments?

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Question: I have two roommates I no longer want in the private mobile home I am purchasing from owner how do I get them to move

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Question: Home I was renting was forclosed on and Purchased on short sale. When my lease was up my landlord gave me a 45 day notice to move. Now they want me to pay 4300 for redoing the house. The house was not in good shape when I moved in. I cleaned the carpet when I moved. Now couple of the charges are professional carpet cleaning, deep carpet cleaning, de order carpet, cabnets, counter tops, doors replacement. I was in the home 7 years. They want me to pay for them to redo home so they can sell. There was nothing wrong with these things they replace. One door had shifted. were and tear. Help

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Question: i realize the landlord is responsible for habitable property, do they have to pay for another rental for my family and relocate us due to mold in apt which is not my fault. who pays?

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Question: I am a new tenant on section 8 housing as a tenant doi have to stay in a apartment that has roaches and I'm constantly complaining. I feel no human being should have to be subject to live like this just because your low income. What can I do please help

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Question: I am currently in the midst of a civil dispute with the co-buyer of a house I recently purchased back in April of 2015. I have been removed from the house temporarily with an order of protection which I am currently in the process of contesting. The co-buyer is demanding I remove my name from the title. I currently have an indemnity agreement that was signed by the co-buyer, but it doesnt protect me from the mortgage company, only the co-buyer. How can I force a Judicial Sale of the house so that hes forced to refinance and take my name off the mortgage? That or the house goes to the highest

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Question: What are my rights when a mobile home park is selling and supposedly turning park into apts. I cannot afford to move the mobile home, it is too old

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Question: I am a homeowner, temporarily living and working out of state and have allowed a family member to live there rent free. She is taking over the utilities, I continue to pay the mortgage, taxes and insurance. She also will take care of maintenance and her own personal desired improvements, with permission, at her expense. My question is, does this relationship put me in a position of being a landlord, which I do not want to be, or am I a non-resident homeowner? Can you point me to state law and statutes on this subject?

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Question: The property management company was aware that there is a mentally ill and violent criminal in our condo complex. I did not know this. Can I legally get out of my lease because they did not divulge this information? No one is safe here, he's threatening people's lives, is in and out of court. Thank you

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Question: I live on private property owned by family, there exists on the property one home and one occupied 5th wheel "home". Someone reported us and are facing possible eviction within two weeks and this would result in three of us becoming homeless, is there anything we can do?

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Question: Does Arizona have any laws about the landlord calling/texting days before rent is due and EARLY morning of the day it is due according to the lease they have been doing this since moving in any info is appreciated thank u

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Question: I had a friend staying with me to help pay the rent. They left (without paying debt) and left several of their things at my house. I want the things out. How long do I have to store their belongings until I can get rid of them. I have informed them several times and they will not collect their things.

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Question: I own a condo which is part of an HOA, they recently redid our plumbing (common property) and had the water off making our unit uninhabitable and my family had to live in a hotel room for a week. This was an expense that we cannot afford. Should the HOA be responsible for paying our hotel stay since the repairs on common property,plumbing, made our unit uninhabitable?

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Question: We sold a home in Hereford AZ that is in an HOA. At closing we were charged $800 for a disclosure fee. The state statute allows a maximun of $400. We told the HOA this and they refused to let us close unless this was paid. The statute also states that the HOA could be fined up to a $1200 for this. Who can we complain to to get get this investigated?

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Question: s there a Grandfather type law in AZ regarding HOA controlling house paint color within reason of the community standard? I am being told that my house color is no longer "approved" and I must repaint whole house (instead of touching up the wood trim with current color). This is in Scottsdale Ranch.

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Question: I recently rented a room for my wife and I from a couple in Phoenix. I paid a deposit and three months rent in advance totaling $1625. I received signed receipts. Before moving in the landlord changed our original agreement and asked for a separate fee for utilities. We had agreed on a monthly rent charge that would include utilities.I informed the landlord that if he could not adhere to our agreement I would remove my property and wanted a refund. After considerable difficulty I was allowed to do so but a refund has been refused. A lease was also refused. I never stayed in the home even once.

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Question: Waterheaterstopped working howlandLordhastofixit

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Question: I recently entered in to a lease with myself, my long time girlfriend, and her friend. We used my credit to qualify because neither of them has credit. The friend and I put most of the money down for the deposits and all utilities are in my name. Less than a month after we made the move, my girlfriend terminated our relationship. The two of them expect me to go on living there with them until the end of the lease. I am not ok with that. Is there is any way I can force them to find someone to sign in place of me on the lease and refund my deposit money so I can move out? They refuse to go

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Question: I need to know what constitutes a legal bill of sale.I have a signed document between to parties for the rent to own.I am now told it's NOT legal.I also made a $5,000.00 deposit nobody wants to count.

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Question: My friend is living at a transitional housing place. They have 6 people crammed into one bedroom. Is there a law that specifies how many people are safely allowed per room ?

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Question: If a person lives in my house rental free and has moved out her belongs of her own free will. Can I change the locks with no waiting period?

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Question: We are on a multi- family well. There are 3 families ... one individual has a pipe leaking. This has been going on for over a week now...we come home from work he has turned off the water... Now the leak is so bad all the water is on his property and none in well reservoir.. My husband and I had to miss work today because there is no water to clean up in... we need this man to fix his pipe... this is unhealthy for the rest of us... now it is costing me money... loss if work and I have to call a plumber because there is air in the lines.. so who do I contact to make this man repair this pipe.

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Question: I have lived with a lady for 16 years as man and wife but we are not married. I have took care of her farm and repairs ,and now she wants me to move ,legally do I have to move or do I have any legal rights to live on her farm?

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Question: We have a roommate on our lease and he is 24 and sleeps in a girls room(22) and she doesn't want him in there. What can be done. She is saying she doesn't feel safe with him around because he has become an alcoholic. Thanks for any advice.

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Question: On 12/30, I entered into a lease in which it was discussed, agreed to, and I signed the addendum added regarding having a satellite dish on the property. It states that in compliance with FEDERAL Communication Commission, I had that right. On 1/3, Rey C of Satellite compny came out to help me exercise my right and was told by management that he couldn't install my dish, because they are issuing a notice to all residents that they need to have dishes removed. I was assessed fees for early termination of $360, and move in fee of $199. This blatantly a breach of contract, and violates federal law. Help

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Question: What can someone do if a person is holding personal items at theor home? This someone moved in there for a shirt time and moved out and can't get the rest of their things. The person is either hiding them or just won't give them back. What can be done to get them back? Please let me know asap.

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Question: we have black mold mice roaches bed bugs we also can't use the swimming pool or laudry room because it is nasty there are still renting apartments i can't use my wheel chair on this property so i take a chance of falling everyday i'm also a high risk fall due to my stoke last year i also a d a and disable

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Question: When a couple parts after 2 yr living together is one intitled to what they paid for and has reciept

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Question: Hello, my husband & I purchased an older home in Aug. The Sellers listed on the disclosure statement that they treated for roof rats. However, they didn't solve the issue. It has taken us 6 months to resolve the problem not to mention a lot of money. Since it was listed on the disclosure statement, do we have any recourse?

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Question: I recently received 2 notices, one from my HOA and one from an attoney's office saying that I have ignored a violation notice. I never received a any notice prior to the these notices and now that are telling me I own them $500 for notice and attorney fees. How is this fair? And what can I do?

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Question: Me and my boyfriend have been living in an RV for the past year-and-a-half or so it's in his name and his ex-wife's name well everything is okay until he gets mad at me and wants me to leave and tries to kick me out when I'm here all the time and he's a truck driver it's only when he gets mad he tries to kick me out is there any type of law here in Texas that can prevent him from kicking me out

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Question: If my HOA CCR's state the monthly assessment fee and how it is going to collected, If that fee is to be increased or decreased, does this change of cost need to be recorded with the county and a change made to the CCR's?

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Question: I signed a lease almost a month ago for an apartment that I have not been able to see. I keep emailing to see when one would be available, and they keep telling me that none are available. I've seen a lot of reviews for this complex noting that there is a huge roach infestation. I'm afraid that they are hiding this from me and that's why I haven't been able to be allowed in to see a model. I'm not scheduled to move for another 3 weeks. Can I back out of my lease?

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Question: If the house I purchased at Maricopa County auction was stripped of air conditioning, cabinets, fixtures and wiring and I know there are excess proceeds, how do I place a lien against the excess proceeds to recover the costs of replacing the items? What type of filing is necessary to recover the loss of these items?

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Question: There is a lady that I was doing a roof for and she came out side her house and blew up on me about getting things done and I have been getting them done. And I left to carry a trailer back to a metal shop and all my tools are at her house now she will not give me my tools back is this against the law?

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Question: I listed my granddaughter as 18 month old. No fence or gate was around the pool from back doors of home, as required by permit under AZ Law. The lessor had a real estate agent as did we. The lease was broken, accepted by the lessor. The lessor does not want to refund $3,900.00 security deposit. The exterior fence from driveway also was not self closing either and we have pictures of both. Did the lessor break the AZ law by entering into a legal contract and not have a Permitted, Inspected fence and self closing gate around the pool, Knowing an 18 month old be occupying the leased home?

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Question: If i rent weekly and lived in the residents for 3 much notice dose the landlord have to give me to raise the rent? This is a extended stay. They r are raising the rent to 3 times for January cuz tucson jem show. I must pay the month of January in advance or get out i was notified on 12 15

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Question: I am thinking about having a yard sale. I have a steep driveway. Am I liable if a person falls due only to the steepness of the driveway? What if I put up a sign to enter at own risk?

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Question: If you are not the landlord of some one who lives in the same home as you in the garage again I am not third landlord and this person doest pay the power bill it gets shut off I am forced to turn it on in my name and I told him he can pre pay me the 121st bill what his part would be or I would not turn on the power to the garage because I wasn't going to pay for him to use the power and not pay do I have that right?

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Question: I just rented a new apartment and there has roaches infested in the unit. I notified the manager via text and he already spray the unit but there are still lots of live roaches roaming around the unit after 10 days. Especially at night that they are crawling all over my bed. Can I terminate the lease agreement without holding my rent. And what should I do so in order to break because of habitability issue. thanks

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Question: I allowed an ex to move back in while she "got on her feet." She has never paid rent or utilities and we have no written agreement altho it was understood at the time to be a short-term favor. It is now over 2 years and she says she doesn't want to move out until she can afford her own place. When we met 3 years ago she was renting a room in a house which is what I am suggesting she do again now - what are my legal options in terms of requiring her to move out?

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Question: I have been living with this man for the last month and now we are broke up and he is withholding my mail could i get arrested for entering the home through the window? because he won't let me in .and he will not give me my mail.

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Question: I live in a townhouse with neighbors that are renters and the landlord resides in Rhode Island. I have issues with the tenants and have addressed with the landlord who does not address and has left a strained relations between both of us. I have asked the HOA for assistance but not sure if they will or can. What are my options to resolve?

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Question: The apartment that I moved out of says I owe them money for a variety of things when I moved out. They charged me to paint it, but when I moved in the walls were already dirty with spills and stains. I have pictures to prove it when I moved in. Also, when I asked for a copy of what I am being charged for, the information was not accurate. It says they did all the cleaning and painting in the middle of the month, but I didn't move out until the last day of that month. Do I have an argument worth pursuing?

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Question: My neighbor is restoring his classic car. There is grinding and hammering. Can he be fined for doing this work in his garage making the grinding and pounding noise? I was told as long as he stops by 8pm its ok what is the truth on this. I can't hear it inside but can when in my backyard at the pool . This is in the 85032 zip

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Question: My boyfriend & I moved in together. Well he left 10 days ago & yesterday he came & got some stuff, I messaged him to see if he was coming back for anything else well I got no response then This morning he semt a text to the landlord & told him he had moved out & actually he had been gone for awhile!! So if he comes back can I tell him to go & the stuff is mine since he told the landlord he moved out?

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Question: years ago i signed over my home to my sister because I was told that if I owned a home I wasn't able to receive AHCCCS. I want to retrieve my home and have mortgage back in my name. Can this be done if my sister won't agree to changing the mortgage

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Question: I go to college In AZ and the Apt. I am required to pay a full months rent even though I will be there for 5 days for the month....Is that legal and do I have recourse......I have to pay or the school wont let me there something I can do once I graduate to get my money back?

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Question: My HOA billed me for fence painting that was done before I owned my house. Am I liable for paying for work done before I owned the property?

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Question: What are the laws to have normal wear n tear fixed. How often?

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Question: My ex and I bought a house in Feb 2018 and after he cheated on me we broke up. The title is in both of our names so I know he has just as much as a right as I do for the house. However, I am living there until we make a decision on how we will be handling the house. On 9/27 he came in and took appliances out of the home. Is this legal? I was lead to believe that the appliances could not be removed or sold by either parties.

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Question: What is the law for motel or hotel guests that's been there 30+ days

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Question: My mother died sept 27. She had a will leaving her home to we three kids. Can we get a title change with this will so the property can be sold

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Question: I was running late to trial and sent an email along with a call to judges chambers. An automated email provided a number to contact as they were out of the office. So I called there was no answer so I left a message. I was going theu security around 940 am. And hit the court room floor about 943, 944am, court was scheduled for 930am. As I was approching I seen the opposing party walking out , the bailiff locking the door behind them. Extremely rude, as the first time we met, she replied, to questions I asked, "get a lawyer, you will get some thing in the mail. I can file an appeal right?

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Question: Im on HUD housing and the city of tucson dont aloud me to have cameras installed do two cars breaking in tires getting popped and Slash I've even had people backing in my backyard I had a few attempted break-ins and still they will not let me install cameras

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Question: We got a HELOC and the loan was accelerated on Feb 28, 2011. Loan was sold to another company made the last payment on HELOC on 08/28/2012. We got a letter from new lender saying they charged off the debt on 05/08/2018. The letter also states “please be advised that we cannot bring a legal action to collect this debt or threaten to do so because the statue of limitations has expired. If you do make a payment, we may later be able to bring an action to collect this debt because the payment May start a new statue of limitations”. Has SOL run out, can they collect money if I sell home, 1099?

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Question: We have been complaining about roach problem for 6 months. We had pest control come and sprayed again and again to no avail. We pay rent but living in roach infested apartment with our kids is becoming nuisance since they are everywhere. What can we do? They are sending another pest control person in few days. Help

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Question: My girlfriend and I have a lease on a house until June 2020. Things have broken down with us. She wants to move out and stick me with the lease. We are both signers on the lease and they used both our credit and income to get the house. We have been here since 2016. And re-upped a 2 year lease June of last year. I do not want to move, BUT I do not want to get stuck paying the entire $1700/mo. Please let me know what I can do not to get screwed over by her.

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Question: Re: an increase in monthly maintenance fees in a housing CO-OP (not apt, not condo). QUESTION: Is there a percentage maximum that the monthly fees may be raised? Our by-laws say it is 20% without resident/member/owner approval, but some owner-members say it is only 5% by AZ law. (That sounds like tenant/landlord law which shouldn't apply.) Thanks for the help.

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Question: If a house has service for electricity and water on and you use the facilities in the house but sleep in the backyard in a shed have permission from the home owner to sleep in their backyard can the home owner be fined. Is there any laws that say you can't sleep in a yard located in Mesa Az.

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Question: My boyfriend and I bought a house together in December 2018, we’re going through a break up now and I need help figuring out what I need to do regarding the house.

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Question: Had issues with landlord after breaching contract, refused to pay rent so they took me to court then withdrew the case and revoked my access to my account to make payments. One year later they send me a collections notice. Can I dispute this?

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Question: Just moved out to AZ, my girlfriend and I have a house with a pool and a walled in back yard. She asked if it is legal to sunbathe without a swimsuit or any clothes on. I know there are public exposure laws, but does it make a difference that is in my own property and with an enclosed yard? Or if a neighbor looks over my wall and sees her and reports it, are we in the wrong?

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Question: What are HUD's rules regarding mold in an apartment and that I am not the one who cause the mold. I am not being told the truth by anyone. I need to know how to properly handle this.

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Question: I live in a building that supposed to be subsidized based on your income now they’re charging me 50% of their income for 50% is $24,000 a year I don’t make $24,000 a year can they legally do this and if not how do I go about filing a complaint because I’m looking at our buildings income guidelines and for them to charge me 24 I’m sorry 50% of rent monthly you have to meet $24,000 a year I don’t make that yearly can they legally do this and if not then what do I need to do about this

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Question: I'm renting a room from someone that does not have the right to do so from the management company what legal recourse do I have agianst this person

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Question: My grandson lives in the back of my property. His friend leaves there drunk sometimes. If he gets into an accident am i liable

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Question: I signed a contract to move into an apartment 6 weeks ago paid all fees and first months rent, I am supposed to move in on June 22, 2019. I received a phone call today telling me the apartment will no be available because the current renter has decided not to move. I have less than two weeks to find alternative housing is this legal?

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Question: I live in an HOA where the board wants to change the CC&Rs to start requiring homeowners to provide deposits for several things, such as bringing in dumpsters. I reviewed Title 33 and the only place where I see they can require a deposit is for remodeling a main house (33-1817.B) in order to make sure the remodel complies with approved plans. ARS Title 33 is clear that the HOA can assess fines and assessments but, other than this one instance, it does not say they can require deposit. Are they allowed to do this?

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Question: I moved into an apartment 4 years ago with carpet flooring. I have always been allergic to carpet. Now I want the complex to change the carpet to vinyl flooring planks. Are they required do to ADA and pay for it? They say if I want new flooring, I must pay for it.

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Question: Per my lease agreement I sent notice to my landlord that I wanted to renew the lease a month prior to lease ending via email 6/28/19, the same day he sent me notice of rent increase which was received on 6/29/19. He recently replied that we are on a month to month, our lease does not end until July 31st at 5pm. He took over two weeks to respond to email, I am unable to give him 30days notice as he took too long to respond, I recently emailed back accepting he rental amount if a lease is written. What right do I have? Last year when he raised the rent he back dated the 30 day notice.

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Question: Is it illegal for in-laws to throw mine and my husbands stuff away or give it away without permission. Even tho we live in there home

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Question: In AZ what is the grace period for surviving family members to vacate a subsidized apt- Section 8 HUD housing of a deceased parent? . 14 or 21 days? I called HUD and they recommended I ask you as this is for Tucson, AZ

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Question: I live in a home in which had not been occupied for about 4years. I have been here almost18months now i have done some work on the place like put locks on front door itjusthad a chain throughtthe hole, I’ve fixed resroom sink and painted, i put up a dividing fence in the back yard as well as cleaned up the entire property, I’ve finished the bedroom closet including insulation drywall and soon paint the owner of the home is telling me because i had an incident with his son locking me out of my home that now i have to move out and i have 8days. We have no wtitten agreement. What can i do?

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Question: Hello... I live in an apartment, last week my car was stolen and so were my license plates. The following day, the manager called and had my vehicle towed, I called the office and explained my situation and asked if there was any way they could help me as I am a single mother and live on ssd, they said there is nothing we can do, you are going to have to pay to get your car out, also adding it is in my lease that vehicles cannot be parked with no tags and I should have called them and told them my tags were stolen. Can I force them to pay the fees if I have police report?

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Question: The CC&R states no clothesline. The home we are in was built in 1979. Is there a conflict with ARS 33-439 and ARS 44-1761? Can I legally put up a clothesline to dry clothes in my unfenced backyard?

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Question: A friend wants to pay to build a large shop/garage behind my house, for us to work on cars. By doing this, can he, in anyway, have legal property rights to owning my land?

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Question: Is there an ordinance that governs the use of residential lights that might disturb neighbors?

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Question: I purchased a condo in October 2019. My inspection identified several repairs needed. I was assured those were the responsibility of the HOA. What was not disclosed is that in November there would be a vote on a Special Assessment, which passed, and now I have a bill for $4800. The seller had been made aware of this for months, but never gave me that information during our negotiations. Do I have any recourse for the seller to be responsible for all or part of this special assessment since it was not disclosed on the statements provided to me?

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Question: My daughter owns a home in Peoria and has enough land for me to sit a mobile home or motor home on to live in. Is there any law or zoning restrictions i have to obey?

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Question: What is the maximum people allowed to live in a single family residence and what can be done with all the junk they have piled up in their side yard? The house next door to me is a rental home and they have at least 9 vehicles parked in their driveway, in front of my and my neighbors homes with people coming at all hours of the night and day They also have a ton of junk in the side yard behind the gate and in front all along my fence line

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Question: My landlord has known about the rats in the attic many he never does anything about it the pipes in the bathroom make a big noise after flushing the toilet and I’m wondering what rights I have I’m disabled and feel like he thinks no one can do anything to him

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Question: We just rcvd ltr stating that our lease will not be renewed and we will have to move by end of April, 2020. The problem with that is COVID-19 and we also have four children under the age of eight with one child being on the learning spectrum. It is a very difficult time now during this pandemic to try to find another place to live, obtaining a moving company and just the stress of it all. We would still be able to pay our rent, so that isn't the problem, but do we have any rights as renters as we are renting a house not apartment at this time?

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Question: My landlord just have us 2 months notice to move by text message. Can my landlord due that during a time of state emergency?

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Question: i have a 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment i live here with my 3 children (14,14,4) a friend of my just lost her home and is temporarily staying with us its her and her significant other... My ex keeps sending messages about too many in my home so my QUESTION is : is 3 adults and 3 kids illegal??

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Question: Tenant was caught stealing& asked to leave. ROOMATE LEFT THAT NIGHT & HAD HELP AND TOOK ALL BELONGINGS! Now. two wks.later, r-mate is stating things were left behind&bringing law to retrieve them? What do i do?

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Question: I have no a/c in my apartment and the land lord just says they'll do something about it but never do and it's hot for me and my kids what can I do?

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Question: I rented a housefrom aperson that was not the real owner.He pretended. I paid for security deposit and 1st months rent. Well yesterday a man came over and asked me what i was doing in his house. So i explained to him what happened. So now i have 3 days to get out with my family. Can he do that even if i recieve mail there electricity is in my name. What can i do. I got scammed 1700

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Question: I've been renting from this lady for about two years and she's been telling me she wants to self. but when she sells that she would put me on a lease. so I would not lose my place to live. an then all the sudden yesterday she brings me a letter of termination. Then told me I need to move out in 2 months. I'm a single father I barely making the bills. an we're in the middle of a pandemic right now? I'm afraid that I may not be able to find a place that I can afford and will accommodate my needs. and does she have to pay a relocation fee to have me move in the middle of a pandemic.

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Question: We were invited to come and live in my niece and nephews Casita. We made plans for over 3 years. It was agreed we would come and work and save 35,000.00 and then buy a home. It was agreed that I would help clean their home and cook dinner. Shortly after we arrived my nieces husband started acting very strange. He decided he wanted us out after we left everything behind to start a new life. He is pressuring my niece to get us out. She says we can continue to stay until we get our house. Can he override what we all have agreed on?

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Question: Clicked to renew my lease and got an email accepting that request. Went to log on to the website to sign the new lease and it was not available. Informed the apartment management and received an email saying they would write it up and send it, however I still have not received anything. Can they for some reason not renew my lease after the initial acceptance? My current lease is up at the end of June, if I did not want to renew I would have had to give 60 days written notice. Can they give me less than I am required to give them if they do not renew for some reason?

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Question: The tenants next door to me Have moved seven additional people into the house for a total number of six adults and six children living in a three bedroom home. Are three occupancy limitations?

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Question: I am working on a dispute with a home warranty company. I am trying to find where it states what is considered too hot in a home for it to be deemed an emergency?

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Question: my mother n law owns the house cause we could not get it and she put in her name but never left I live in with her son whom I am married to and she lives her to on other side of house me and her don't get along she had had me removed by the police 5 times but I come back the next day I lived here 16 years pay rent and bills in my name do I have any right to her kicking me out can I stop her. she says she gonna have me removed all the time. its getting old and I tired of her threats. what can I do??? she makes it hard for me and my husband.

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Question: i live in an senior apt complex. My neighbor died next door to me it was the end of the month the apt manager when the kids came to move the furniture out was given paperwork stating they now owed next month rent and charges which totaled 1200 the rent was 565.00. The manager presented it in a hostile manner. The kids didnt have the money to bury their parent let alone pay this bill and the reason for the bill in the first place? Because a proper 30 day notice wasnt given. How the hell are you suppose to give a notice when you have dropped dead literally. Is that legal?

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  • What is the homestead exemption and how it protect home owners?
  • I'm renting a room from someone that does not have the right to do so from the management company what legal recourse do I have agianst this person
  • How do I find out how much taxes are owed on a property?
  • Is there an ordinance that governs the use of residential lights that might disturb neighbors?
  • My boyfriend and I moved here to arizona with them, as grandma bought a mobile home with an Arizona room on some land, when she bought the house we all still lived in Iowa. I had a everything already set up there, but they "invited" us to come with them. They found out on Thursday that I was excepted for a job, and now on Friday it's all of a sudden illegal to live in an Arizona room "according to Arizona law". Is how she put it. My question is how true is this, and why wouldn't she know about this when they bought the house? I feel like I was jeopardized into coming out here.
  • What are HUD's rules regarding mold in an apartment and that I am not the one who cause the mold. I am not being told the truth by anyone. I need to know how to properly handle this.
  • If I pay off my house how does it affect the other two people on the deed?
  • Our lease on our Apt. ended and we had a three month extension. The three months are up and we are moving. the Apt are coming at us saying we are liable for another months rent. The apt. is claiming a 30 day vacancy notice but the lease is already up. i also had one roomate leave and another move in during the lease period. Teh question I have is can they hold us responsible for the one month extra rent?
  • my mother n law owns the house cause we could not get it and she put in her name but never left I live in with her son whom I am married to and she lives her to on other side of house me and her don't get along she had had me removed by the police 5 times but I come back the next day I lived here 16 years pay rent and bills in my name do I have any right to her kicking me out can I stop her. she says she gonna have me removed all the time. its getting old and I tired of her threats. what can I do??? she makes it hard for me and my husband.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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