Guardianship of Minor
questions & answers
Question: Ive had Guardianship for the past 13 year the mother is decreased father unknown. are you able to apply for cash asstiance for the child to help with clothes etc. child still aware to the state /courts.
Answer: I am not really sure of the question or circumstances. If you are a foster parent, then yes, cash assistance should be available depending on the circumstances. If you qualify for government assistance or counting the child would qualify you, then assistance should be available (like TANF, food stamps, etc.). If the mother is deceased, there could be social security benefits available to the child - again depending on the circumstances. If you work with DCS, you could talk to the caseworker. There are subsidized guardianship programs and Arizona has one, but it depends on your circumstances (sorry, I know that keeps cropping up) and I believe that 13 years is outside their limits.
Ive had Guardianship for the past 13 year the mother is decreased father unknown. are you able to apply for cash asstiance for the child to help with clothes etc. child still aware to the state /courts.
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