Unemployment Compensation
questions & answers
Question: I approved for unemployment and received benefits for here months, I just had telephone hearing due to the reason of being fired, they went with he employer and now I have to pay back all that I was given, do I have the right to appeal this decision?
Answer: Both the employer and the claimant (person applying for benefits) have to right to appeal an unemployment decision. These rights are printed on the bottom of the papers the Unemployment Court will send to both parties after the hearing, called the “Determination.” It is important to appeal promptly because there is a time period in which the appeal must be filed. The time period for filing is 15 calendar days after the mailing date of the Determination of Deputy, Determination of Overpayment (the mailing date is the day the determination was mailed by the court and can usually be found on the top of the Determination). Any appeal filed after this time frame will only be considered under certain circumstances (such as problems with the post office). The website for Arizona Department of Economic Security explains that there are 4 ways to file an appeal: An appeal from a Determination of Deputy or Determination Overpayment may be filed over the telephone by calling the number shown on the Determination of Deputy or Determination Overpayment; you may also appeal in writing. A "Request for Reconsideration /Appeal" (UB-126) form is available online at our UI Benefit Forms link. Your written appeal, signed by you or your authorized representative, must include your name and Social Security number. Attach a copy of the determination or decision you are appealing if possible (unless you are filing by Internet). Your appeal may be: • Faxed to the number shown on the determination, or • Mailed to the address printed on the determination, or • Personally delivered to any Employment Service Office or • Filed on-line (the option of filing appeals by Internet is only available to claimants at this time). Additional information and the steps for filing an appeal may be found on the AZDES website at https://www.azdes.gov/main.aspx?menu=317&id=3918
I approved for unemployment and received benefits for here months, I just had telephone hearing due to the reason of being fired, they went with he employer and now I have to pay back all that I was given, do I have the right to appeal this decision?
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